How your generosity is making space for faith conversations
When Today FM suddenly closed its doors in March, we were hugely disappointed. Just six weeks prior, with enormous excitement, we had launched our new show Sunday Sanctuary, hosted by Petra Bagust, on the fledgling talkback radio station.
Our show creating space for conversations, reflections and practices that feed the soul was in jeopardy.
But our team quickly negotiated with MediaWorks to host our next show on their podcast platform. Within days, Sunday Sanctuary was reborn.
The fortnightly show is a team effort from (pictured L to R) Sam Donkin, Petra Bagust, Josh Couch and Stephanie Soh Lavemaau. •
Thanks to your backing, Sunday Sanctuary now lives on as a podcast reaching large audiences we’ve never reached before. And it’s doing more than just surviving – it’s thriving, with more than 16,000 downloads already. That’s a pretty large church, especially for listeners who would normally avoid organised religion.
These frank conversations about faith, spirituality and the big questions of life – which you have made a reality – are touching lives, and we’ve hardly been able to keep up with the positive feedback from listeners.
Sunday Sanctuary is creating a space in secular media for conversations about faith and God. •
Here are some heartening messages we’ve received:
“I was feeling so sad… it was like a balm for my troubled soul. Thank you so much.”
“Your podcast is probably the most enriching and encouraging thing I’ve come across… It’s gentle and doesn’t make assumptions.”
“The themes, contemplations and benedictions have been so timely and appropriate to the many ups and downs of my current walk. Thank you for what you are doing and offering to us all. Such a beautiful space.”
“Today’s Sunday Sanctuary made me cry tears of happiness that we haven’t forgotten kindness.”
“My soul is nourished… I can literally feel myself sinking into rest as I listen. Be blessed and know your vision is reaching and touching tender hearts.” •
Would you consider donating so we can continue reaching people around the country with the message of God’s goodness?