Media Chaplaincy response to TVNZ restructure
Photo: Chris McKeen/Stuff
The Media Chaplaincy New Zealand team is devastated to learn of the potential job losses affecting up to 68 staff at TVNZ. This includes the invaluable Sunday and Fair Go teams, whose unwavering service to the public over the years has left an indelible mark on all of us.
These latest developments, off the back of the impending closure of Newshub, signify a distressing reality for more than 360 individuals with very specialised skill sets who will be stepping out into a struggling, shrinking industry.
We know this will be devastating for those individuals whose livelihoods are on the line, and deeply unsettling for all staff across the company. Our aroha is with all those affected.
News media is a difficult industry to work in at the best of times – often involving long hours, tight deadlines, and public scrutiny and criticism. That the very people doing such demanding work are losing their jobs is a cruel and unfair symptom of the financial state our media industry finds itself in.
In the wake of this news, Media Chaplaincy NZ has extended its support to TVNZ and its staff. As an organisation that believes the health and well-being of the people within New Zealand’s media is central to the good of what gets produced and consumed, we have heavy hearts seeing these layoffs occur.
The news media industry, known for its demanding nature, with long hours, stringent deadlines, and constant public scrutiny, now faces the bitter reality of talented professionals losing their jobs—a stark reflection of the financial turbulence engulfing our media sector.
To those grappling with uncertainty amidst these turbulent times, we stand in solidarity with you. Our confidential chaplaincy services are available to you at no cost. Whether you require space to navigate your feelings, a compassionate listener, or reassurance that you're not alone, we are here.
Having provided support during some of New Zealand's biggest media events over the last decade, Media Chaplaincy remains steadfast in our commitment to support journalists and media professionals navigating the uncertainty ahead.
Elesha Gordon, Media Chaplaincy NZ General Manager